Monday, August 10, 2015

3 Simple Changes To Burn More Fat Today

Before you set fire to the pantry, read this! These three simple tweaks to your current training, nutrition, and supplementation could make all the difference in your fat-loss results this summer.

Too often, people treat fat loss like an emergency; they panic and make impulsive decisions rather than thinking clearly and strategically. The result is disappointment, frustration, and—worst of all—having to start from scratch the next time around!
This year, that cycle ends for you. If you're somebody who has struggled to see results by making dramatic, unsustainable changes to your training and lifestyle in the past, try this three-point system of training, nutrition, and supplementation. It's simple, realistic, and can be adapted to work with a wide range of training plans and schedules. And yes, it'll give you some fast results!
Got your attention? Let's make it happen.

The Clutch Diet: Get Ripped, Get Healthy

Not all nutrition plans are created equal. Follow these Clutch diet guidelines and you'll see great results in no time. Get lean, get healthy, get Clutch!

Most of us work hard in the gym to achieve the goals of feeling and looking better. But no matter how hard you work in the gym, you won't see the results you want unless you get your nutrition on track.
The Clutch diet program is easy to follow. Just select foods from the approved food list and follow these simple rules. In a few weeks, you'll be able to see and feel the incredible results.
Let's get Clutch!

4 Effective At-Home Weight-Loss Workouts!

No time to hit the gym? No worries. Check out these 4 killer at-home workouts for every fitness level!
Have you set a resolution to get into the best shape of your life, but can't afford a gym membership, or you simply shy away from a room packed full of treadmills, ellipticals, and free weights? Don't worry—not going to a gym doesn't spell disaster. You can still achieve your goals from the comfort of your own home.
The nice thing about home workouts is that they're high on the convenience factor. Whether you have kids and don't want to hire a sitter, or your schedule is just too hectic and that drive time to and from the gym isn't possible, a home workout solves most dilemmas. Not to mention, it eliminates any excuse for not working out.

17 Tips To Help You Lose Fat Faster!

Losing fat is no easy feat, but a little pro advice can go a long way. Check out these 17 blubber-banishing tips and supercharge your shred!
"Been there, done that" may explain your attitude toward not-so-new endeavors like movie reruns and mohawk haircuts, but few of us have ever "been there, done that" when it comes to achieving single-digit body fat levels. Dropping fat to stage-ready percentages is no easy feat, and a hardcore cut usually ends up burning as much motivation and strength as it does fat.
Fortunately, we can learn from successful people. We asked eight MuscleTech athletes for their best fat-loss tips and strategies and came back with these 17 gems. Incorporate this training and nutrition advice into your own get-shredded efforts and build a winning formula for getting absolutely ripped!

40 High-Fiber Foods You Must Try

Win the battle of the bulge and boost your health by including the 40 best high-fiber foods. Here's what to add to your cart at the supermarket.
Most fitness fanatics prioritize protein on their daily menu, with good reason. To build muscle like a pro, protein should be tops on your list. But while other nutrients play important roles, fiber is often an afterthought. And that could be a big mistake.
In fact, chances are you're not getting enough fiber. Research suggests that more than 90 percent of Americans aren't meeting their daily fiber requirement, which is 25 grams a day for women and 38 grams a day for men.1 That's bad news for your physique transformation, not to mention overall health.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

3 Reasons Everyone Should Go On A Diet

As a certified nutritionist and someone who has successfully maintained a whopping 125-pound weight loss for the last six years, I often tell people that diets don’t work. For the majority of us, the term diet tends to conjure up painful feelings of deprivation, restriction and even starvation. Believe me, those aren’t the reasons why I think we should all jump on the diet bandwagon!
I spent many years of my life jumping from one crazy fad diet to the next. So, I fully recognize that the dieter’s mindset is one of frustration and rigid rule-following, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are a few reasons I believe everyone should go on a diet:

13 Detox Juices To Drink Yourself Clean

These juice recipes serve 2 and take 10 minutes to prepare. Simply place all ingredients into your juicer and serve chilled. Green juices are my favorite. I avoid juicing a lot of fruit because of its high sugar content. My top tip is to drink your juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. The vitamins and minerals are more easily absorbed on an empty stomach. If you can, drink your juice fresh. Contact with oxygen depletes the nutrients. If you need to store your juice, I would recommend a dark glass airtight container in the fridge.
Here are 13 juices to get you started:

Dr. Oz's 3-Day Detox Cleanse One-Sheet

Eliminate harmful toxins and reset your body with this detox cleanse from Dr. Oz. All you need is 3 days, a blender and $16 a day!


How to Live a Long, Healthy Life

Are you overweight? Are you not fit? Do you exercise regularly? If so, this article will tell you how to live a long, healthy life.

10 Reasons to Start a Detox Diet Today

The human body carries out an amazing range of physical and chemical processes within any given day. The body’s ability to clean out wastes and harmful materials is one of these processes and no less amazing.
Within most all its intricate systems, the body can maintain a certain equilibrium when what comes in doesn’t exceed what goes out. Likewise, its detox mechanisms can only accommodate so much waste and toxins before excess build-up start to affect a person’s overall health.

6 Fun Ways to Detox Naturally

American culture places a high value on grooming and cleanliness in general. Maintaining a certain degree of “freshness” is expected in everyday society. Unfortunately, the importance of keeping the outside of the body clean has yet to apply for the body’s interior landscape.
Toxin build-up, a process that starts as early as birth, accounts for much of the widespread sickness and disease that afflicts young and old alike. According to the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences, eliminating toxin build-up in the body is the best way to improve a person’s overall health.

The Benefits of Body Detox Diets

If you haven’t noticed by now, the pharmacy aisles and media are packed full of many body detox diets available in supplemental forms. Aside from the obvious weight loss factors that cleansing permits, many people don’t truly understand why they are so necessary. Even if you follow a proper diet and exercise program, it’s inevitable that pollutants and other unwanted toxins can build up in the body, leading to the necessity of a detox program. A detox program has a wide variety of benefits that go beyond weight loss, and can lead to some very significant changes in a person’s life.

4 Simple Ways In Which Cinnamon Helps In Weight Loss

Cinnamon is one of the most prized spices in the world. Commonly used as a flavoring agent in different cuisines, the appetizing oriental smell of cinnamon can attract the foodies from all corners of the world. Did you know this amazing spice not only provides warmth and relief in cold wintery days, but can also assist in weight loss?

The Ultimate List – 35 Amazing Foods For Weight Loss

These days, people are adopting new lifestyle trends, which are taking a toll on their health. Obesity is the most common result of this new lifestyle. The unchecked increase in obesity can lead to a plethora of ailments like heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. It is very important to change this kind of lifestyle in order to bring positive changes in the body. Along with changing the lifestyle, it is equally important to adopt a healthy eating plan. For healthy weight loss, people should try to consume low calorie foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Here are some superfoods for weight loss that can help you lose weight rapidly.

Top 13 Vegetable Soups You Can Include In Your Diet

Planning to lose weight within a short time? Then the best way to do it is to go on a soup diet. A seven-day soup diet will help you lose at least 10 pound easily. Sounds interesting? Read on to find out more about the soup diet!

10 Day Detox Diet To Curb Your Sugar Addiction

Do you have sugar addiction? Have you been struggling to get over it, but aren’t able to? How about taking a diet that helps you get over the addiction in ten days?
Well, that is possible with the 10-day detox diet. Would you like to know more? Keep reading.

3 Day Military Diet – What Is It And How Does It Help You Lose Weight?

Planning to attend your best friend’s birthday party in three days but still worried if your favourite dress will fit you? Thinking of ways to lose weight within 3 days? If your answer to all these questions is a yes, then you have to try the military diet. It might not be the easiest to accomplish, but comes with great results.

Would you like to know more? Keep reading!

Be Fit With Me Week 1 – Eating And Drinking

I am starting with a fitness program where I will share a fitness routine comprising of cardio and strength training. I will also be discussing about nutrition and eating strategies. I will also be sharing a few easy to achieve goals of the week which will be related to nutrition or fitness or both. The readers are asked to closely follow these tips and bring change into their lifestyles, by practicing these tips on a daily basis. Initially you will be making a conscious effort to incorporate these changes or – Be Fit Mantras – but after a few days it will develop instinctively. I promise to go slow at a comfortable pace.

Pointers for the Food Intake this week:
  1. Always eat within 10 min of waking up in morning,
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of water.

How To Flatten Out Your Belly At Home?

If you want to flatten your belly your belly out, then you must watch what you eat. It must be tempting to eat fast foods and but it is not easy to get rid of fat accumulation in your middle section. It’s all about what you love more…the food or the flat belly.

To lose weight, first strengthen your will power to control food habits and then exercise regularly. There are no short cuts.

The 3 Day Diet Plan : 4.5 kgs in 3 Days

The 3 day diet is a low calorie diet designed to achieve short term weight loss. This diet is very specific and stresses on the consumption of balanced foods comprising of proteins, fruits, vegetables and grains. The calorie consumption is restricted. This diet should not be followed for a time period exceeding 3 days and the best part is exercise is not required. This dietary programme claims a weight loss of about 4.5 Kgs in 3 days.  This diet results in weight loss due to a sudden drop in calories.

Quickest Way to Lose Belly Fat for Men

While men and women have vastly different body shapes, the steps to losing belly fat and/or fat from anywhere on the body are the same for both. Men have a tendency to store excess body fat on their upper bodies, but can speed up their rate of fat loss by adhering to a few simple principles.

14 Day Low-Calorie Weight Loss Menu

When you think of a low-calorie menu, you may imagine limited options and tiny portions. But hearty flavor and variety can be part of a daily menu that clocks in at under 1200 calories. The following 14 day low-calorie weight loss menu is designed to help you achieve your goals while still enjoying a fulfilling, nutritious diet.

Lemon Detox Diet – Everything You Need To Know

In the modern era of a hectic lifestyle, it has become natural that most of us look for quick ways of losing weight. Several crash diets and fad diets have come into being for weight loss in a short span of time. Lemon detox diet, also known as the “Master Cleanse” is one of the popular and effective among fad diets. Though it might not be familiar to many people, it has been practiced by several Hollywood celebrities. It gained popularity when Beyonce, the famous Hollywood singer lost around 20 pounds in 2 weeks after following this diet.
