Most of us work hard in the gym to achieve the goals of feeling and looking better. But no matter how hard you work in the gym, you won't see the results you want unless you get your nutrition on track.
The Clutch diet program is easy to follow. Just select foods from the approved food list and follow these simple rules. In a few weeks, you'll be able to see and feel the incredible results.
Let's get Clutch!

Clutch Diet Tip 1 Drink one gallon of filtered water every day

Let's face the facts: More than half of our body is made up of water. Not diet soda, not sugary sports drinks, not beverages filled with artificial ingredients—just pure, miraculous water.
People spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on surgeries and procedures to lose weight, look younger, and fight fatigue. But guess what? Plain old water, arguably the most essential nutrient, helps to provide cell structure, regulates temperature, and assists with the transportation of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. I mean, if that's not Clutch, we don't know what is.

Clutch Diet Tip 2 Eat
organic meat

Non-organic meats and eggs are mass-produced from animals that have been jacked up on antibiotics, growth hormones, steroids, and chemical pesticides. There are no long-term studies on the effects these antibiotics and hormones might have on the human body. Therefore, we recommend organic.
Also, when you're Clutch, processed meat is out. This means no bologna, deli lunchmeats, nitrate-filled bacon, or sausage going into your body. It's also best to cut pork from your diet.

Clutch Diet Tip 3 Drink lemon juice

Sugar, alcohol, processed food, stress, medication, and environmental pollutants can all have harmful health effects. Those same substances can compromise hormones responsible for building lean muscle and burning fat. So you can pump all you want, but those substances will stand in the way of reaching you goals.
Drinking one tablespoon of 100-percent organic lemon juice mixed in a cup of hot water can work wonders for the body. Lemon juice is an excellent source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that may help you ward off the common cold. Additionally, lemons contain pectin—a water-soluble fiber that can help lower cholesterol levels—and high levels of potassium, which may reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.

Clutch Diet Tip 4 Put down the stimulants

At Clutch, adrenal health is one of our primary initiatives, because your adrenal glands can be your best friend or your worst enemy.
When your body encounters stress, the adrenal glands release cortisol and other hormones to help you deal with your surroundings. We're guessing you encounter tons of stress during your daily life. The last thing you need is to jackhammer your adrenal glands with stimulants all day on top of that other stress. That short-term boost from stimulants can lead to long-term adrenal fatigue, much as a cup of coffee with sugar gives you a momentary lift, only to be followed by an energy crash. It's a fast track to a dead end.

"We suggest that you limit your caffeine intake to two cups of coffee per day. No other stimulants are necessary."
Clutch workouts take sustained focus and energy, not a momentary lift. We suggest that you limit your caffeine intake to two cups of coffee per day. No other stimulants are necessary.

Clutch Diet Tip 5 Eat organic "dirty dozen" vegetables

Peaches, apples, bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, pears, grapes, spinach, lettuce, and potatoes could have shocking levels of pesticide residues on and in them. That's why they get called "the dirty dozen."
Pesticides may play a role in numerous diseases. Even if you wash your fruits and veggies, they still have a pesticide residue. So what are we to do? If we had it our way, we would all be eating organic everything all the time. However, we also realize that eating that way isn't financially realistic for everyone. That being said, we recommend buying all organic meats and "dirty dozen" fruits and vegetables.

Clutch Diet Tip 6 Eat only wild-caught fish

Generally less expensive than their wild-caught counterparts, farm-raised salmon has become a staple in chain grocery stores nationwide. Almost all the salmon Americans eat are farm-raised. These fish are fed fish meal that can be polluted with toxic PCB chemicals, live in toxic sewage overflow flushed out to sea, and are infused with antibiotics to combat unsanitary conditions. Some salmon are raised on farms that use more sustainable methods, but the reality is, thanks to lax packaging requirements from the U.S. FDA, you can't tell from the packaging.
If you want to be clutch, don't eat farm-raised fish. Fish are supposed to be caught wild in the ocean, not man-made in some tank or polluted, overcrowded, offshore cage.

Clutch Diet Tip 7 Eat fat

The "fat-free" and "low-fat" craze is for total suckers, and you, my friend, are no sucker. Check the label of any fat-free food and you will see double the sugar of the regular-fat product. The other tricky method food manufacturers use is to load their fat-free products with so much artificial crap that your body can't break anything down.
Unfortunately, fat has gotten a bum rap. But when we say "fat," we're not talking the Double-Quarter-Pounder-With-Cheese kind of trans-fat; we're talking monounsaturated fats, including our favorite: coconut oil. Monounsaturated fats help to lower cholesterol levels. What's more, studies have demonstrated a strong relationship between monounsaturated fat intake levels and testosterone levels, the hormone responsible for building muscle mass.
You need to eat fat in order to lose fat and build muscle. So throw those "fat-free" counterfeit health foods in the trash and eat 1-2 tablespoons of coconut, olive, almond, walnut, or pumpkin seed oil at every meal.

Clutch Diet Tip 8 Eat carbs

At Clutch, we don't cut carbs. Carbs are important for your brain and your body, and you can't train Clutch-style without adequate energy. Skinny and stupid may play well in some circumstances—not going to name any names—but Team Clutch isn't down with either of these adjectives.

Because we were built for survival, your body will store nutrients when it's deprived of them. So, if you cut carbs and then decide to start eating them again, you're going to balloon up like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
That being said, implement the following three rules for carbohydrates and you'll get the body you want without any deprivation.

Cut processed carbs

By "processed," we mean anything that's made with more than one ingredient. The majority of Americans favor carbohydrates that contain preservatives, fillers, and additives that are toxic to your body. To make things worse, fat cells are the body's favorite place to store carbs. The real truth is that carbohydrates don't make you fat, processed carbohydrates do.

Go gluten-free

Gluten causes inflammation in the body. Inflammation slows muscle recovery, impedes digestion, and causes hormonal imbalances. Many argue that they don't have an issue with gluten, but we beg to differ. Personally, we instruct all of our clients to cut gluten from their diet; but at a minimum, anyone experiencing symptoms of gastric distress, such as bloating, should try eliminating this wheat protein.
We suggest eating 3-5 servings (20 g) of gluten-free complex carbohydrates per day. Try to consume the majority of your grain-based carbohydrates before 4 p.m.

Eliminate artificial ingredients

Artificial sweeteners, colors, and fillers aren't recognizable to your body. Many of these ingredients have been banned in other countries, and we believe that non-natural ingredients are terrible for your body. We don't use them. We don't buy them. We think they should be outlawed.
Eliminate everything out of your diet that's made with artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners. For calorie-free sweetness, use Stevia.

Clutch Fat-Loss Meal Plan

The Clutch Bodyshop nutrition plan is designed to allow you to choose the foods you want to eat. This makes staying on track easy, no matter how busy or hectic your schedule may be. Use the men's and women's serving sizes below and choose what you want to eat from the approved food list. It's just that easy!
You need to eat a carb-heavy meal after your workout regardless of the time you train. Drink your shake as soon as possible post-workout, then eat your post-workout meal about an hour later. Don't worry if it's your last meal before bed; your body will put the carbs to good use as long as you've just finished training.
Here are samples for a 3:00 p.m. workout. If you train at a different time, adjust meals accordingly.

Women's Sample Plan

6:30 a.m.
Meal 1, 6:45 a.m.
Meal 2, 9:30 a.m.
Meal 3, 12:30 p.m.
  • 3.5 oz. lean protein
  • 1/2 cup complex carbohydrates
  • 1-2 cups vegetables
  • 1-2 tbsp healthy fats
Pre-workout, 2:30 p.m.
Post-workout, 4:15 p.m.
Meal 4, 5:30 p.m.
  • 3.5 oz. lean protein
  • 1-2 cups vegetables
  • 1-2 tbsp healthy fats

Men's Sample Plan

6:30 a.m.
Meal 1, 6:45 a.m.
Meal 2, 9:30 a.m.
Meal 3, 12:30 p.m.
  • 6 oz. lean protein
  • 3/4 cup complex carbohydrates
  • 1-2 cups vegetables
  • 1-2 tbsp healthy fats
Pre-workout, 2:30 p.m.
Post-workout, 4:15 p.m.
Meal 4, 5:30 p.m.
  • 6 oz. lean protein
  • 1-2 cups vegetables
  • 1-2 tbsp healthy fats

Clutch Muscle-Building Plan

You need to eat a carb-heavy meal after your workout regardless of the time you train. Drink your shake as soon as possible post-workout then eat your meal about an hour later. Don't worry if it's your last meal before bed; your body will put the carbs to good use as long as you've just finished training. Here is a sample day for someone who trains at 3:30 p.m. If you train at a different time, adjust your meals accordingly.

Women's Sample Plan

6:30 a.m.
Meal 1, 7:00 a.m.
Meal 2, 10 a.m.
Meal 3, 12 p.m.
  • 3.5 oz. lean protein
  • 1/2 cup carbs
  • 1-2 cups vegetables
  • 1-2 tbsp healthy fats
Meal 4, 2:00 p.m.
  • 3.5 oz. lean protein
  • 1-2 cups vegetables
  • 1-2 tbsp healthy fats
Pre-workout, 3:00 p.m.
Post-workout, 4:30 p.m.
Meal 5, 5:30 p.m.
  • 4.5 oz. lean protein
  • 1 cup complex carbohydrates
Meal 6, 8 p.m.
  • 3.5 oz. lean protein
  • 1-2 cups vegetables
  • 1-2 tbsp healthy fats

Men's Sample Plan

6:30 a.m.
Meal 1, 7:00 a.m.
Meal 2, 10 a.m.
Meal 3, 12 p.m.
  • 6 oz. lean protein
  • 3/4 cup carbs
  • 1-2 cups vegetables
  • 1-2 tbsp healthy fats
Meal 4, 2:00 p.m.
  • 6 oz. lean protein
  • 1-2 cups vegetables
  • 1-2 tbsp healthy fats
Pre-workout, 3:00 p.m.
Post-workout, 4:30 p.m.
Meal 5, 5:30 p.m.
  • 6 oz. lean protein
  • 1 cup complex carbohydrates
Meal 6, 8 p.m.
  • 6 oz. lean protein
  • 1-2 cups vegetables
  • 1-2 tbsp healthy fats

Clutch Metabolism Tea

  • 8 oz. hot water
  • 1 tsp ground ginger
  • 1/2 squeezed organic lemon
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper

Clutch-Approved Food List

Lean Protein
Women's serving size: 3.5 ounces
Men's serving size: 6 ounces

  • 1 scoop Clutch Bodyshop Protein Powder
  • 1-2 scoops Clutch Bodyshop Baking Mix
  • Organic turkey breast
  • Organic chicken breast
  • Wild-caught mahi-mahi
  • Wild-caught sea bass
  • Wild-caught swordfish
  • Wild-caught tuna
  • Wild-caught tilapia
  • Wild-caught salmon
  • Wild-caught cod
  • Organic eggs (serving size 1 whole, 4 whites)

Women's serving size: 1/3 cup
Men's serving size: 1/2 cup

  • Organic sweet potato
  • Organic blueberries
  • Gluten-free bread
  • Quinoa
  • Jasmine white rice
  • Basmati white rice
  • Organic strawberries
  • Organic yams
  • Organic apple
  • Rolled oats
  • Carrots
  • Banana
  • Beets

Women's serving size: 1-2 cups
Men's serving size: 1-2 cups

  • Organic spaghetti squash
  • Organic collard greens
  • Organic mixed greens
  • Organic asparagus
  • Organic cucumber
  • Organic broccoli
  • Organic zucchini
  • Organic kale
  • Organic okra
  • Organic celery
  • Organic spinach
  • Organic arugula
  • Organic cabbage

Healthy Fats
Women's serving size: 1 tbsp
Men's serving size: 2 tbsp

  • Organic all-natural peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup unsalted raw almonds
  • 1/4 cup unsalted raw walnuts
  • Premium extra-virgin olive oil
  • Raw almond butter
  • Virgin coconut oil
  • Virgin pumpkin oil
  • Whole chia seed
  • Whole flax seed
  • Avocado (1/4 avocado)


  • Alcohol-free vanilla extract
  • Sea salt
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Black pepper
  • Chili powder
  • Coriander
  • Cinnamon
  • Jalapeño
  • Nutmeg
  • Stevia
  • Ginger
  • Curry
  • Lemon
  • Dill


  • Matcha green tea, (2 cups per day)
  • Herbal unsweetened tea
  • Filtered water
  • Alkaline water
  • Water
Take the Clutch-approved food list with you!
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