Thursday, August 6, 2015

3 Day Military Diet – What Is It And How Does It Help You Lose Weight?

Planning to attend your best friend’s birthday party in three days but still worried if your favourite dress will fit you? Thinking of ways to lose weight within 3 days? If your answer to all these questions is a yes, then you have to try the military diet. It might not be the easiest to accomplish, but comes with great results.

Would you like to know more? Keep reading!

What You Should Eat In The 3-Day Military Diet:

Day One:

  1. One cup of black coffee without sugar or tea
  2. One slice of whole wheat or brown bread with two spoons of peanut butter
  3. Half a grapefruit
  1. One cup of black coffee without sugar or tea
  2. Just one slice of whole wheat bread
  3. Half a cup of tuna without any caffeine
  1. Three ounces of meat
  2. One cup of boiled green beans
  3. One apple
  4. Half a banana
  5. One cup of vanilla ice cream

Day Two:

  1. One slice of whole wheat bread
  2. One egg cooked well
  3. Half a banana
  1. One hardboiled egg
  2. 5 cream crackers
  3. One cup of cottage cheese
  1. Two hot dogs
  2. Half a cup of carrots
  3. One cup of broccoli
  4. One banana
  5. Half a cup of vanilla ice cream

Day Three:

  1. 5 cream crackers
  2. One apple
  3. One slice of cheddar
  1. One slice of whole wheat bread
  2. One egg cooked
  1. One cup of tuna
  2. Half a banana
  3. One cup of vanilla ice cream

Substitutes You May Try!

1. Instead of having grapefruit, have oranges or mandarin oranges.
2. Instead of toast, you can have whole grain cereals or rice cakes. Even tortillas are a great choice.
3. If you don’t like peanut butter, try hummus or almond or soy butter.
4. If you don’t like black coffee, green tea is a better alternative.
5. Tuna isn’t always delicious. You can eat chicken or tofu or almonds instead.
6. Have frozen fruit or fruit yogurt instead of ice cream.
7. If hot dogs aren’t your favourite, try some turkey or soy or baloney instead.
8. If you dislike broccoli, try some asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbages and cauliflower.
9. Have a small salad or beets and squash instead of carrots.
10. If you dislike eating bananas, pick kiwi, grapes or apricots instead.

Should You Exercise Along With This?

Exercising is very important. Always remember that this diet is followed in the military, and you will never find any of these people sitting with a roll in their stomach. The kind of exercise you do is quite dependent on the type of body you have or your weight. If you are severely obese or overweight, you can always walk around the block. Go ahead and push yourself as much as possible. In fact, you will learn to be toned and healthier in the future.
Some of the weight loss exercises include:
  1. Jogging
  2. Brisk walking
  3. Swimming
  4. Using a treadmill
  5. Jumping rope
  6. Using an elliptical machine

How To Keep The Weight Off?

After you have lost the weight in three days, follow these simple tips and ideas to keep yourself going. Most military organizations stick to this routine.
1. Exercise on a regular basis.
2. Eat foods that are full of nutrition.
3. Stick to food sources that are full of omega 3 fatty acids, herbal system cleansers, food enzymes, etc.
4. Drink water as much as you like. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, drink 80 ounces per day.
5. Always plans healthy meals ahead while following the military diet.

How To Make The Military Diet Work For You?

1. Weigh yourself first thing in the morning on the first day of the diet. The next time you weigh yourself should be on the fourth day because weight does fluctuate very often and can make you feel demotivated.
2. If you would like to continue with the three-day military diet, give yourself a four-day break after the next three days.
3. Take your measurements. If you are building muscles, weight loss won’t be shown on the scales. But you will drop inches. This will actually help you tone your body.
4. Follow the diet just like it has been given in order to maximize the results.
5. Exercise, especially during the weekends. When you have days off, make use of them and burn as many calories as possible. You will be burning a lot of fat through this.
How did you like this post? Have you tried the military diet before? If not, do so and let us know your experiences in the comment box below.

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