Diet and Sports | Be Stronger

Showing posts with label breakfast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breakfast. Show all posts

Thursday, August 6, 2015

3 Day Military Diet – What Is It And How Does It Help You Lose Weight?

Planning to attend your best friend’s birthday party in three days but still worried if your favourite dress will fit you? Thinking of ways to lose weight within 3 days? If your answer to all these questions is a yes, then you have to try the military diet. It might not be the easiest to accomplish, but comes with great results.

Would you like to know more? Keep reading!

The 3 Day Diet Plan : 4.5 kgs in 3 Days

The 3 day diet is a low calorie diet designed to achieve short term weight loss. This diet is very specific and stresses on the consumption of balanced foods comprising of proteins, fruits, vegetables and grains. The calorie consumption is restricted. This diet should not be followed for a time period exceeding 3 days and the best part is exercise is not required. This dietary programme claims a weight loss of about 4.5 Kgs in 3 days.  This diet results in weight loss due to a sudden drop in calories.
