Diet and Sports | Be Stronger

Showing posts with label sport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sport. Show all posts

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Be Fit With Me Week 1 – Eating And Drinking

I am starting with a fitness program where I will share a fitness routine comprising of cardio and strength training. I will also be discussing about nutrition and eating strategies. I will also be sharing a few easy to achieve goals of the week which will be related to nutrition or fitness or both. The readers are asked to closely follow these tips and bring change into their lifestyles, by practicing these tips on a daily basis. Initially you will be making a conscious effort to incorporate these changes or – Be Fit Mantras – but after a few days it will develop instinctively. I promise to go slow at a comfortable pace.

Pointers for the Food Intake this week:
  1. Always eat within 10 min of waking up in morning,
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of water.
